Thursday, October 12, 2006

Brioche in the oven, dumpling in the steamer.....

Don't expect anything about cooking or food in this post. In fact, the last few months was completely lacking of cooking in any way. Why? Oh, because there wasn't much I could stomach before it was quickly on its way out of me (the same way it went in) due to wonderful pregnancy hormones. I have never been as homesick as I am now - mostly for the food. When I wasn't busy hugging the side of the toilet, I was craving, CRAVING Malaysian food. My comfort food. My poor husband was doing everything he could to get me nourishment that would stave off my nausea, driving around to get me soupy noodles, which was all I ate for almost a month. Could not stand the thought, let alone the sight or smell of burgers, pasta, pizza.....everything that surrounded me in abundance. *Shudder! Gag!*

The queasiness has since almost come to a halt. Still happens sometimes after a particularly greasy or non-compliant meal. However, one thing happened that put it all in perspective. I had an ultrasound procedure done about two weeks ago. We saw our little baby, healthy and bouncing off my uterine walls like an astronaut in zero gravity. The very sight of my child moving around with heart apounding and all limbs intact was enough to quell every ounce of yucky nausea. Everytime I am about to complain about a faulty appetite, I stop myself and think of how the very thing that's making me sick, is the very thing that is keeping my baby happy.

Need a mother ask for anything more?

1 comment:

dRaGoNfLy WiNgS said...

Am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you. *hugs* Keep well!!! Love ya lots!