Thursday, January 08, 2009

Being Whole (Thankful List Day 8)

When I first arrived in the States, I had a really hard time adjusting to the food. Didn't take me long to pack on the pounds - I gained 25 lbs just in my first year here. I cooked as often as it was possible. Sometimes it was not possible with assignments and papers to grade. So, it was off to the nearest Denny's or IHOP (International House of Pancakes, for the benefit of my non-American readers)

At the conventional supermarket, it is difficult to make healthy choices, just because the unhealthy ones are so abundant and easily within reach. I'm very thankful for my first visit to Whole Foods in Arlington. At that time I lived in Southwest Fort Worth, which was a good half hour away. They were bi-weekly trips with some other friends of mine. They were Italian and sought out the good bread and cheeses not available at the neighbourhood Albertson's or Wal-mart.

Now that I live much closer to said Whole Foods, I make it a point to shop there at least once a week. Mostly to purchase organic milk, fruit and other all-natural groceries for Elyse. They have the lowest price in town for organic goods, and thanks to their in-house brand, 365, I was able to make all of Elyse's baby food by myself. Her vibrant health and brightness is all the proof that I need that I made the right choice.

Even on a very tight budget, I am committed to purchasing some items from there because of the unbeatable quality. I guess once you taste food for what it really is, you can't go back to the cheap and over-processed versions.


Foodie Queen said...

You are the best wife to me. Love Jon

Foodie Queen said...

umm...i love you too. But you need to sign in with your own google name next time?