Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Magic of the Internet (Thankful List Day 3)

I haven't had cable tv access in over a year and a half. Do I miss it? Sometimes. Nowadays, not so much. Thanks to the internet, we've been able to view our favourite tv shows, minus the commercials *evil chuckle*

'TV' dinners are now in front of the computer and the experience is heightened by my fantastic 22" LCD monitor *evil chuckle, again*

Till tomorrow....


dRaGoNfLy WiNgS said...

I dunno how we would survive without the internet. Imagine our phonebills if we were to chat as often as we do now.


Foodie Queen said...

i know! which is why i'm giving thanks for the internet....*ohm, ohm*

dRaGoNfLy WiNgS said...

*ohm ohm* *pom cak cak pom cak cak*