Monday, January 05, 2009

Closest thing to home (Thankful List Day 4)

Most Malaysians would agree with me that nothing else is worth missing more than Malaysian food. Especially those of us who are, or have spent time abroad. Through the 11 years I've spent away from home, I have come to rely on this one tether to home. Well, besides my family and few well-chosen friends, that is.

Most unfortunately, the two locations that served up Malaysian food have come and gone faster than you can say "Teh Tarik". Having had to rely on my own culinary skills to cook up some of my, and Jon's favourite dishes, makes me miss home even more. Some dishes are easier to replicate than others. Some are just impossible. That's because it's not just about the food, it's about the entire experience - physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual.

Okay, so getting to my point here....the closest thing we have to home is King's Chinese BBQ, located in Arlington, Texas, or as we like to call it "Little Saigon". Owned and operated by Hong Kong immigrants, they've kept the food genuine and real, reasonably priced and as un-Americanized as possible. We frequent this haunt for our favourite comfort foods, a couple of which I shall featured here - roast duck; and salt and pepper tofu (best tofu dish ever!). It is probably the one place that allows us to keep our sanity, what's left of it, anyway.

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