Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolution (?) (Thankful List Day 1)

I’ve decided that I’ve allowed myself to wallow far too long in the pit of mud that was 2008. Biggest part of my problem(s) is and was that I couldn’t escape from focusing on the negative in every situation that came my way. It is the foulest, most God-awful feeling that I would not wish on my worst enemy. Well, ironically, I think my worst enemy + critic is myself. Yikes!

Therefore, I have decreed that I shall from today, the first of January, will make myself be thankful for one, if not, a few things that have come across my plate that day. Will I have the resolve to stick to this resolution? *Groan* I don’t know...but damned if I don’t try my very best.

Today, I am very thankful for two friends who have been absolute support for Jon, myself and Elyse. They have done things for us that I would not even expect family to. They have openly accepted us as part of their family, even offered us to move in with them to help us save some much-needed mullah.

Excuse me now whilst I go dry my eyes. I hope you find something to be thankful for today too.


dRaGoNfLy WiNgS said...

Start the year with a smile, sweetie!

Otherwise, i might have to get someone to hum a tune to you. ;)

Love u!!

Foodie Queen said...

Not tears of sadness. Just very touched by a vast amount of kindness.

dRaGoNfLy WiNgS said...
