Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There is a Spoon (Thankful List Day 27)

One of the little things I'm very thankful for is that my kid is quite independent when it comes to food. She started holding her own milk bottle and sippy cups when she was barely six months old, started feeding herself finger foods at seven months. By nine months, she was eating tiny morsels of meat, tofu, veggies and fruit. I could supervise her meals whilst washing up in the kitchen without having to sit with her at all times.

Now, at 21 months, she's very adept at feeding herself with a spoon from a bowl, with a little help from her little fingers. Once in a while, she'll need me to break something up into smaller pieces, but usually she prefers to bite.

Downside? Elyse gets very adamant when she wants a "kuhkuh" ( cookie).

Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

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